Strategic Plan

2022-2028 Strategic Plan

By 2020, the club had largely achieved its 2013 vision for the club.  In late 2021 and early 2022, the Board of Directors undertook to create a strategic plan that would take the club through 2028.  Amongst other things, the plan calls for the club to have its own world-class 24 court indoor/outdoor year-round facility (by the 2026 timeframe) that will be regarded as "the place to play".  The new strategic plan was accepted by the club membership in the Annual General Meeting held in September 2022 and efforts are underway to realize the plan. 

A summary of the strategic plan that was present in a series of member town halls can be found here.

Surrey Pickleball Club - Home Facility Mock-up

Below are mock-ups of what a Surrey Pickleball Club home facility could look like.

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