We hope you are excited about the upcoming Mini-Tournament and want to provide you with some instructions and help you prepare for the day.

SPC uses the Scoreholio app to help run tournaments seamlessly for players! With this app, you will be able to see which court you are playing on, enter your own scores, and be notified of your next court instantly! Before the mini-tournament, download the Scoreholio app on your phone and follow the instructions below.

Registration for mini-tournaments is the same as any other event in regular season play - via the SPC website or on the Wild Apricot member app.

Before the Mini-Tournament (Preparation)

STEP 1: Scoreholio App

  • Download the Scoreholio App (use the buttons below for iPhone or Android or search "Scoreholio" on the app store.

  • Create your player profile on the Scoreholio app
    • Verify your player profile with a code that is sent to your email

STEP 2: Turn on Notifications

  • Notifications will ensure that you can self-check-in on the app and receive your court assignments
  • On iPhone, click on the Settings icon --> Notifications --> Scoreholio "Allow Notifications"
During the Mini-Tournament (What to Expect)


A “Check – In” notification will be sent to you just prior to the start of the tournament, please have your phone on and handy.

Please check in on your phone using the Scoreholio app when you arrive. The best place to find the notifications is to open the app and click on the Notification Bell on the top-right. Here is an example of what the notification message will look like. Follow the check-in instructions below:

Mini-Tournament Format

Round Robin: Each Mini-Tournament starts as a Round Robin format where you will be paired up with different players each game. At the end of the Round Robin, players will all be ranked based on their Wins and Losses combined and points differential. These player rankings will be used to pair players with a teammate for the second portion.

Bracket Play: Paired players are then placed into a single-elimination Bracket where they will compete to place overall in the tournament.

Ratings: Note that your placement in the tournament will not affect your Pickleball Brackets rating or Club Rating however the winner of an Intermediate+ Mini-Tournament qualifies to move into the Advanced level play with SPC.

Court Assignments and Leaderboard

Scoreholio will be the best place to see your court assignments, results, and standings in real-time. Additionally, SPC has an outdoor TV that will also show the court assignments, standings, and more. To view your current court assignment, check your phone notifications or the TV frequently.

The TV Dashboard will show court and opponent assignments and Player standings.

Entering Scores

At the conclusion of your game, one player from the winning team will enter the final score into the Scoreholio app. This will automatically assign players next partner and court assignments!

  1. Select the notification bell, then select your court assignment.
  2. Find the latest notifications with your game listed with "Score from your phone" bolded
  3. Click “Live Score This Match” (can be done before match starts or at the end)
  4.  Select “Start Game”
  5. Tap the top of the score board for the numbers to increase and below the score board to decrease the points.
  6. “Submit Score” then it will summarize the winners
  7. Confirm by selecting “Submit Scores” again.
  8. Check your notifications for your next court assignment and partner!

Bracket Play (Finals)

Everyone makes it into the finals (if there are enough players) and this is played in a bracket-format. Players will be paired with a partner (unless this is a partner event where you register with your own partner) based on the standings. If there are 20 players, then the pairing will be Player 1 (the top-seeded player) playing with Player 10 (the top seeded of the lower half), Player 2 with Player 11, Player 3 with Player 12, etc.

The finals are single-elimination - so if you and your partner lose a match, you are out. The only exception is in the semi-finals where you may still have an opportunity to play for Bronze if you lose a semi-final. All matches, including medal matches, are played one game to 11 points, win by 2, no cap on score. Medal winners will have their names up on the screen and a photo opp for posterity! 

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