Surrey Pickleball Club

Surrey Pickleball Club Unsportsmanlike Behaviour Policy

When a club member or non-member of the Surrey Pickleball Club threatens any member, player, officer or official of the Club during any Club activity, or intercommunity play or venue that includes members and non-members then the offender may be subject to disciplinary action.

The unsportsmanlike conduct includes threatening the safety of themselves or others, abusive behaviour, unnecessarily creating turmoil, disrupting or causing dissension among the members and non-members.

Any dispute of this nature should begin with the individuals themselves.  Anyone offended by the actions of another member should first try to resolve the offending behaviour by holding a respectful conversation with the alleged offender.  If that conversation does not resolve the issue, it should be brought to the attention of the leader of the club event (i.e. play captain, instruction/mentoring captain, tournament director, etc.) who should attempt to mediate a resolution.  If the issue is still not resolved, it should be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors, either through the Play Coordinator or the Member Relations Director.  A failed resolution at that point will enter the club’s disciplinary process.

The offending individual(s) will be contacted in person and will also receive a written statement outlining the infractions and the potential disciplinary action.  Once contacted, the offending individual(s) will have an opportunity to meet with the Board disciplinary group to discuss, and hopefully successfully resolve, the issue.

Severe cases can result in termination of Club privileges when recommended by the Club President and approved by the Club Board of Directors.

The following are recommended disciplinary actions:

  1. First Offense – A written warning from the Board of Directors (and may also include temporary or permanent suspension)
  2. Second Offense – Suspension of Club privileges, not to exceed two weeks.
  3. Third Offense – Termination or extended suspension of Club membership rights and privileges.

If you’re not a member and would like to join the club, please click "Join". Current members should renew through their membership profile.

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